President Power Point Project

U.S. President Project

Miss Villecco – Social Studies


  • You will be creating a Power Point Presentation on a United States President


  • You need to research the following items to include on each slide of your power point.


  • Every slide should include a picture


  • Sound /animation is optional


  1. Title Slide: Name, Date, President
  2. President’s Full Name
  3. What is your President’s Nickname?
  4. How many years did your President serve?/ How many terms is that?
  5. What number President were they?
  6. What was their religion?
  7. What was their occupation/job (before becoming President?)
  8. What is their political party?
  9. What was their presidential salary?
  10. Where did your President go to college? What was their major?
  11. What year was your President born? Is there a death date?
  12. What is the President’s Home State?
  13. Who was First Lady?
  14. List a major accomplishment.



Useful Web site:



Name:___________________                             Date____________________


Social Studies Research Notes for Project –

Miss Villecco


Slide 1 – Title Slide (Name, date, President Name, Picture)


Slide 2 - President’s Full Name




Slide 3 - President’s Nickname




Slide 4 - years served/ terms




Slide 5 - What number President were they?




Slide 6 - What number President were they?




Slide 7 - Religion







Slide 8 - occupation/job (before becoming President)




Slide 9 – what is their political party?




Slide 10 – What was their presidential salary?




Slide 11 -Where did your President go to college? What was their major?





Slide 12 - What year was your President born? Is there a death date?




Slide 13 - What is the President’s Home State?




Slide 14 - Who was First Lady?____________________________



Slide 15 - List a major accomplishment
