Warm Ups 3rd Marking Period

7th 3rd MP

Date:                          Warm Up #15

Topic: The colonists held town meetings in order to speak their minds on issues that affected the whole community. If you were to hold a class meeting, what issues would you want to discuss? What are your opinions on those issues?

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,

Date:                          Warm Up #16

Topic: Benjamin Franklin was a colonial leader who believed in self improvement. Explain the following Franklin quotes in your own words:

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

“Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.”

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,








Date:                          Warm Up #17

Topic: Imagine you are a filmmaker. If you were given the funding to make a documentary on some aspect of history, what subject matter would you choose? What would your documentary be like?

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,

Date:                          Warm Up #18

Topic: On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress declared the United States independent from British rule. Write your own declaration of independence from your parents that you could put into effect on your eighteenth birthday.

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,

Date:                          Warm Up #19

Topic: During the Revolutionary War, Native Americans tried to stay neutral. Eventually, however, they were drawn into the battle. Describe a time when you tried to stay neutral during an argument but were finally forced to take a side. What were the results of your actions? How did you feel afterwards?

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,



Date:                          Warm Up #20

Topic: The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal.” Do you believe that all citizens are truly equal in the eyes of society? Explain your answer.

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,


Date:                          Warm Up #21

Topic: Benedict Arnold was a famous American traitor who sold military secrets to the British. What punishments, if any, do you believe the government should deal out to Americans who give or sell secrets to other countries?

Use these sentence starters:

I think                                                            For instance,

Furthermore,                                  Clearly,