admire - to have high regard for someone or something
apt - just right; fitting
attention – to focus on
bicker - to quarrel over silly, unimportant things
despise - to feel scorn or dislike for
humiliate- to make one feel less pride; to embarrass
interaction – discussion or planning within a group
knickers - loose fitting short pants worn by young boys back in the day
muddle - confusion; bewilderment
quarters - an assigned station
Queen of Sheba – a woman with expensive tastes; spoiled
timid - a lack of courage
turf - a place that is under someone’s control
Literary Term: Tone and Mood
People's mood change from day to day, even from hour to hour, according to how they feel.
You can often tell a person's mood by how he or she acts, what that person says, and how the person says it.
This is the tone the person conveys as a result of the mood he or she is in.