Ch 3 – The Era of Exploration – Research Project
Name:___________________ Date____________________
Research Notes for Project – Miss Villecco
Slide 1 – Title Slide: Name, Date, Explorer
Slide 2 – What is the full name of your explorer?
Slide 3 – Where was your explorer from (Country)
Slide 4 – What country did your explorer sail for?
Slide 5 – What were the routes that they sailed and the years?
Slide 6 – What were they looking for/purpose of journey?
Slide 7 – What land did they claim/discover?
Slide 8 – Birth year/death year of explorer
Explorer of Interest Project
Miss Villecco – Social Studies
- You will be creating a Power Point Presentation on an explorer of interest
- Every slide should include a picture
- Sound /animation is required
Slide 1 5
Slide 2 5
Slide 3 5
Slide 4 5
Slide 5 5
Slide 6 5
Slide 7 5
Slide 8 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Picture 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
Spelling 5
- Total points to earn :___________/120_______
Christopher Columbus
Hernando Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
John Cabot
Henry Hudson
Vasco da Gama
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Amerigo Vespucci
Juan Ponce de Leon
Ferdinand Magellan
Bartolomeu Dias
Helpful Website!!